Real Time Integration

Case Study: Building a Real-Time Data Platform for a Supply Chain Company to Improve Customer Service


Our client is dedicated to optimizing the pharmaceutical supply chain. They invest in innovative technologies to deliver top-tier services to their customers. By streamlining processes, they ensure the most efficient and effective solutions.


As a mid-sized supply chain company, they encountered several challenges that hindered their efficiency and customer service:

  • Manual Reporting: Significant time was spent on manual reporting, which was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.
  • Increasing Reporting Demands: As the company grew, their need for efficient data management increased. There was a growing demand for comprehensive and timely reports, both internally and from customers.
  • Customer Insights: Providing customers with access to insights and data was becoming increasingly important.

Our Approach & Solution

To address these challenges, we implemented a multi-faceted solution:

  1. Data Stream Automation: We automated many of the manual reporting processes managed in error-prone spreadsheets, creating a real-time data stream.
  2. Data Platform: We established a robust, cloud-based data platform to handle increasing reporting demands. This platform facilitated real-time data access and management for both internal operations and external customer needs.
  3. Improved Data Management: The combination of the new data platform and data streaming capabilities reduced manual workload and enhanced overall data management. This streamlined process resulted in more reliable and timely data insights.


  • Improved Cycle Time: The real-time data platform improved the cycle time by 40%, enabling faster and more efficient operations.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Customers gained access to real-time insights and data, improving their overall experience and satisfaction.
  • Operational Efficiency: Automating manual processes and integrating data management systems significantly reduced the time and errors associated with manual reporting.
  • Scalability: The scalable nature of the cloud-based platform ensured our client could continue to grow and meet increasing demands without compromising on data accuracy or reporting speed.

By building a real-time data platform and automating manual Excel workflows, we enabled our client to significantly optimize their operations and enhance their customer service.

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